Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Confessions to Our Lady of Weightloss

Dear Lady of Weightloss,

I didn't start my Extreme Fat Smash lifestyle change yesterday like I was supposed to. I didn't have a chance to make it to the grocery store until today after school. But I did empty out my cupboards and refrigerator of all that is unhealthy and have purged my system of all the gooey stuff that was stuck to my intestines. Does that count? I've also been having Jamba Juice smoothies (Jamba light, less than 200 calories for 16 ozs!!) to get in my serving of fruits and fiber. I think it's a start. Tomorrow will be the official beginning of my new lifestyle. Wish me luck! Now if I could only get my ass to the gym............


Leanne was in Italy now in Australia said...

Hi Piccola,
I have to look on the internet to find the conversion of 50lb as I am a kilo girl, not these pounds or stones that the Americans and British use! Good luck with the weight loss and just take it day by day.

Piccola said...

Thanks Leanne! I think 50 lbs are around 22 kilos. Yikes!